PCI Bus | Original 550 MHz | Overclocked to 825 MHz |
Bus Speed | 33 MHz | 38 MHz |
Speed Multiplier | 1/3x | 1/4x |
AGP Bus |
Bus Speed | 67 MHz |
100 MHz Utan några problem |
Data Transfer Rate | 1x (67 MHz) | 2x (200 MHz) |
Side Band Enabled | Yes | Yes |
CPU Benchmark |
Processor | Original 550 MHz | Overclocked to 825 MHz |
CPU Load | 100% |
Benchmark Results |
Current Processor, Chipset | CPU: 1483 MIPS FPU: 741 MFLOPS | CPU: 2222 MIPS FPU: 1133 MFLOPS |
Memory Benchmark |
Benchmark Results |
Current Memory System | CPU/Mem: 290 MB/s FPU/Mem: 265 MB/s | CPU/Mem: 420 MB/s FPU/Mem: 395 MB/s |
CPU (Integer STREAM) Results Breakdown |
Assignment | 301MB/s | 430MB/s |
Scaling | 272MB/s | 408MB/s |
Addition | 296MB/s | 422MB/s |
Triad | 292MB/s | 412MB/s |
DWORD Size | 32-bit | 32-bit |
FPU (Float STREAM) Memory Results Breakdown |
Assignment | 247MB/s | 371MB/s |
Scaling | 241MB/s | 361MB/s |
Addition | 309MB/s | 456MB/s |
Triad | 262MB/s | 391MB/s |
Double Float Size | 64-bit | 64-bit |